Wednesday, March 14, 2012

** Vintage 1930's Dobro Guitar **

30in X 40in
Acrylic On Canvas
Available for Sale
I have always been very interested in learning how to play Guitar -- not only because I love music but also because I find the guitar and the people who can play the instrument, so cool. :)
Don't know why but could never hold on to it. Blame it on the learning system and my mom -- she thought I would run away with the teacher !!! :)
My fondness for the guitar hasn't come down a bit in ages -- and I thought what best it can be than to paint a vintage guitar, exploding with my passion for it. My Muse!

A little bit about DOBRO. An acoustic guitar that was invented in the early 1930s in a search for a louder guitar. It has a metal resonator built in its body which acts as an amplifier. Now owned by Gibson Guitar Corporation!
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